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Issue Brief

Vol.110, No.7, 2024

Strategic Evolution in the Arctic: ‘The U.S. 2024 Arctic Strategy’ and Its Global Implications

E. J. R. Cho
Foreign Policy, Emerging Security
  • abstract

      This discussion explores the evolving geopolitical significance of the arctic, particularly through the lens of the u.s. 2024 arctic strategy, and its implications for global security dynamics, including those pertinent to south korea. as climate change transforms the arctic from a "white" to a "blue" arctic with increasingly navigable waters, global powers are intensifying their strategic maneuvers in the region. russia, echoing china's assertive posture in the south china sea, has enacted legislation to bolster its claims over key arctic passages, highlighting the region's status as a vital area of national interest. meanwhile, the u.s. strategy integrates advanced space and maritime capabilities to counteract these moves, emphasizing military readiness and international collaboration with nato allies and partners like south korea. south korea, though geographically distant, must recognize the arctic's intrinsic link to global trade and security, especially considering potential disruptions in major shipping routes and energy prices. furthermore, heightened tensions in the arctic resonate within the broader indo-pacific context, where south korea's strategic partnerships and economic interests are anchored. as an emerging polar actor, korea has the opportunity to engage in multilateral dialogues and collaborative defense initiatives to ensure stability from the arctic to the indo-pacific.